Monday, May 18, 2009

Sleeping Sweeties

I snapped this picture of the boys after they finished eating and had fallen asleep. Don't they look so sweet and innocent? You would never believe that they like to sleep during the day and stay awake all night...

Friday, May 15, 2009

When the Cat's Away...

(taking a nap), the mice will play (with scissors and a green ink pad)! Yes, you guessed it, when I was taking a nap a week or so ago, Katie got into the top of the cabinet in the bathroom and got out a pair of scissors. She then thought that her hair needed a trim, so she made herself two variations of set was about four inches long, and the other set was about a half-inch long. Very stylish! On another day when I just HAD to have a nap, Lauren found the one ink pad I had not put away after their "craft time," and proceeded to decorate her face in all shades of green. The funny thing is that sometimes, a nap is so worth the consequences I face when I wake up!! :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A New Milestone

Yesterday the boys went back to the doctor for a checkup, and Parker weighed 7 pounds and Preston weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces. Yea! We've passed the 7-pound mark for each of them! Today they are 7 weeks old...hard to believe! They went to church for the first time on Sunday morning; our Sunday School department had a diaper shower for them. It's so great to see so many packages of diapers now stacked in their room! :)

People have asked how they are sleeping at night. depends on the night. We are waking them every 3 hours to eat (if they aren't already waking up on their own), and sometimes they go right back to sleep...and sometimes they don't. When I am so very sleepy after those long nights, the words to a popular song run through my head: "You're gonna miss this, you're gonna want this back. You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast..." And I know that's very true!